#Using any.do app how to
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#Using any.do app trial
Plan automatically renews after trial until cancelled. Product availability varies by country.
#Using any.do app full
View full terms and conditions of offer here. Availability of in-store promotion offerings may be limited by Apple Store location closures as a result of COVID-19. This offer cannot be combined with the Apple Employee Purchase Plan or business loyalty pricing. Except for ACMI, this offer cannot be combined with other Apple promotion(s) or financing offers that are directed to individual end-user customers in the Qualifying Location. territories, please call Goldman Sachs at 87 with questions about accessing this offer or applying for Apple Card. Available for qualifying applicants in the United States. Apple Card is issued by Goldman Sachs Bank USA, Salt Lake City Branch. ACMI is not available for purchases made online at the following special stores: Apple Employee Purchase Plan participating corporate Employee Purchase Programs Apple at Work for small businesses Government, and Veterans and Military Purchase Programs, or on refurbished devices. See the Apple Card Customer Agreement at for more information. Taxes and shipping are not included in ACMI transactions and are subject to your standard purchase APR. If you choose the pay-in-full or one-time-payment option for an ACMI-eligible purchase instead of choosing ACMI as the payment option at checkout, that purchase will be subject to the variable APR assigned to your Apple Card. Variable APRs for Apple Card other than ACMI range from 15.99% to 26.99% based on creditworthiness. ACMI is subject to credit approval and credit limit. Separately, customers will receive and be charged for the Apple Gift Card in the amount of the applicable discount off the eligible Apple TV. The total combined amount charged over the two separate ACMI installment plans will reflect the original full retail price of the Apple TV.

This will result in one ACMI installment plan over 6 months for the eligible Apple TV discounted by the instant credit, and a second ACMI installment plan over 6 months for the full price of the Apple Gift Card. Important notice regarding the checkout receipt and monthly statement for Apple Card Monthly Installment (ACMI) purchases with this promotion: Customers selecting ACMI (a 0% APR payment option available only in the U.S.) as payment type at checkout shall receive a discount equal to the value of the Apple Gift Card off the price of the eligible Apple TV. Customers shall receive a discount equal to the value of the Apple Gift Card off the price of the eligible Apple TV, but will be charged for all items in their cart. Only one (1) Apple Gift Card per eligible Apple TV and a maximum purchase limit of two (2) Apple TVs per customer. * Customers receive an Apple Gift Card when they purchase an eligible Apple TV at a Qualifying Location up to and including.Have a question? Call a Specialist or chat online.